SimpleOpenID for php

The library I’m using for Rosebleed (and other projects, both major and minor) is SimpleOpenID from

The original class did most of what I needed, but I made some minor changes. I’ve emailed the original contributor to offer my changes back, but until I hear back, I’ve posted my modified version here:

Comments/feedback always welcome.

Author: Eddie Roosenmaallen

By day I'm the Release Manager at Distributive; I help build the Distributed Compute Protocol at In my off time I explore Linux, JavaScript and the web, and I try to share some of my knowledge and some of my humour online.

One thought on “SimpleOpenID for php”

  1. Hi Eddie,

    I’ve been using your modified class and I was wondering if it supports Google style authentication (where it doesn’t ask you for a username, just a URL).

    If it does (or doesn’t, for that matter) do you have any ideas on how to implement it?

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