Advertising on the Fediverse

It would be mind-bogglingly difficult to build an ethical ad platform that would be accepted by the Fedi community.

(original thread starts at

I imagine there’s some huge panic going on in the ad industry right now; birbsite was, until last month, one of the major outlets for advertising, but a) advertisers don’t want to appear beside Nazi shit, and b) the eyeballs are moving to the “Lawless hellscape of no use to anybody for advertising”.

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Advertising Gone Mad

From –
The ads are therefore taking up 49.35% of the viewable space. Let me repeat that: fourty-nine point three five percent. For advertisements. That’s MASSIVE.

Tommy Vallier gives a breakdown of space use on Digg’s homepage, and it’s not flattering.

The ads are therefore taking up 49.35% of the viewable space. Let me repeat that: fourty-nine point three five percent. For advertisements. That’s MASSIVE.

~ Tommy Vallier

It gets even worse once the white-space is accounted for, with two thirds of the screen real-estate dedicated to advertising.