Full 1.0.0 release: Fedi-follow Widget

My Fedi-Follow widget is ready for a full 1.0.0 release!

The widget provides an interface for Fediverse users to easily follow or share a url from their home instance. It’s the first stage in my plan to make it easier to integrate Fediverse sharing and following into other platforms, like WordPress or other site engines.

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Initial release: “Follow on Mastodon” widget

I’ve made a widget to make it easier for visitors to follow federated blogs and such on . It presents a dialog to ask for their instance URL and confirm the account they are invited to follow, then sends them to a page on their instance to make it happen.

It’s available for anyone to use; just link your visitor to https://eroosenmaallen.gitlab.io/fedi-follow/?follow=https://roosenmaallen.com/author/admin.

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MastoBot 0.1.0-2

I’ve published another prerelease of # to ; this prerelease expands coverage of the MastoBotAPI class and significantly improves method documentation coverage.

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I’ve started work on my # client library, #.

Initial work has progressed well; I have wrappers for HTML methods and reasonable coverage of helpers for Mastodon API endpoints.

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And the walls come down? Google and Facebook have joined Dataportability.org!

This is a huge step towards an open, interoperable social web; Google and Facebook are probably the two largest collectors and holders of data (social and otherwise) on the web, and they have been among the most reticient about sharing their data.

Yesterday, it was announced that representatives from , Facebook and Plaxo have joined the Dataportability.org workgroup.

This is a huge step towards an open, interoperable ; Google and Facebook are probably the two largest collectors and holders of data (social and otherwise) on the , and they have been among the most reticient about sharing their data.