Statistically Probable Ancient Wisdom

I’m pleased to announce the launch of my latest bot, Sun Tzu’s The Art of eBooks . It’s a Markov chain bot trained on (you guessed it) The Art of War.

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CheerLights: Let’s Glow Together

Not long ago, I read about a cute IoT project, CheerLights. It’s a network of RGB lights that all change colour together, coordinated by a Twitter bot. The idea is that we all rig up RGB lights of some description, then when someone pings the Twitter bot they all change in sync; just a nice little community togetherness thing. It’s adorable and I love it.

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Open-Source: Covidbot-Ontario

I built a # to post local numbers. In the process, I found Ontario Public Health’s data feeds and ended up building something much more generic and reusable than I initially intended. Aside from the very local hospitalization and ICU numbers from KHSC, the Ontario feeds can be filtered to be useful anywhere in the province.

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MastoBot 0.1.0-2

I’ve published another prerelease of # to ; this prerelease expands coverage of the MastoBotAPI class and significantly improves method documentation coverage.

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MastoBot Documentation!

I’m bad at documentation, so in # I’m making a concerted effort to be mindful of it.

Enter tooling! I’m using with Pages and CI.

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Mastobot Beta 0.1.0-0

I’ve released an initial beta of # to .

MastoBot is a # client library for #. It offers 3 levels of helpers to communicate with a Mastodon instance.

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I’ve started work on my # client library, #.

Initial work has progressed well; I have wrappers for HTML methods and reasonable coverage of helpers for Mastodon API endpoints.

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