Initial release: “Follow on Mastodon” widget

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I’ve made a widget to make it easier for visitors to follow federated blogs and such on . It presents a dialog to ask for their instance URL and confirm the account they are invited to follow, then sends them to a page on their instance to make it happen.

It’s available for anyone to use; just link your visitor to

This is an initial release, it does just enough to be useful. For the future I plan to add:

  • Styling, so you can send colour choices (and perhaps even link a new stylesheet? Considering potential connotations for that one)
  • Error checking
  • Account preview
  • More than Mastodon?

This should work to follow any -federated site, like this blog; as far as I know it should work on any Mastodon instance; I have some research to do to see if I can readily support other Fedi platforms.

I’ve added it as a bare link in my blog’s sidebar, but if there’s interest I can put together easier ways to integrate it, with JavaScript sample code, possibly a WordPress plugin, React component, etc., or at least a link builder.

Feedback is welcome, as are bug reports, pull requests, etc., and as ever if this is useful I welcome tips at Ko-fi.

Author: Eddie Roosenmaallen

By day I'm a senior backend engineer at Deel. In my off time I explore Linux, JavaScript and the web, and I try to share some of my knowledge and some of my humour online.

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